2022 24-Hour Kentucky Rock Fence Marathon
Once again we will be back at McConnell Springs Park on October 1 & 2 for the 24-Hour Kentucky Rock Fence Marathon. The event is free and open to the public.
For 24 continuous hours we’ll be building a rock fence using volunteer builders of all skill levels. Each mason will contribute one two-hour shift as we work towards our 24-hour goal. Keeping with the DSC’s mason training motif, we try to pair the more experienced masons with the beginner masons in the shift teams. We like to see people share their skills with each other! Last year 37 masons from 9 states built 52 linear feet of rock fence within that time span.
While the build is taking place we’ll have an arch demonstration, a couple presentations showcasing the work of our very talented certified masons, a silent auction, and most importantly excellent fellowship.
This year’s silent auction features a chance to go home with your own dry stone arch. David Kenley, DSC and DSWA Master Craftsman, has graciously built a 3 foot radius arch to be auctioned to the highest bidder with the proceeds benefitting the Dry Stone Conservancy.
If you’d like to: contribute anything stone related to the silent auction, participate as a volunteer builder, learn more about how you can help with the event, or even become a sponsor please reach out to dscadmin@drystone.org . It takes a village and without support from folks like you we’d merely be a pile of stones.
For updates, keep an eye on our social media and our website